
Readeo Reviews

Readeo Reviews

Readeo Awarded Official Honoree at 2011 Webby AwardsReadeo Recognized as Official Honoree at 2011 Webby Awards

Winners are chosen by the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences a global organization whose members include Martha Stewart, Arianna Huffington, Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone, musician David Bowie, Internet co-creator Vint Cerf, and Virgin Group Chairman Richard Branson.

Past winners include, eBay, Google, FedEx, The New York Times, Facebook, Twitter, PBS, and other industry leaders. Thank you to you – our friends – for the honor.

See the other winners in our category of The 15th Annual Webby Awards.

Readeo in USA TodayUSA Today: “Share Books From Afar”

“Grandpa can’t wait to read a new storybook to his favorite grandson. Only problem is the two live several hundred miles apart. The solution? A Web service that lets Grandpa and his grandson share a storybook via the Internet and a webcam.

Featured in USA Today

Readeo in Wired Magazine's Geek Dad BlogWired: “Readeo Brings Families Together Via Books”

“We decided to have my second-grader read a story to my mom first—and she loved it so much that she kept picking more books to read. My four-year-old sat next to her and was delighted to sit and listen. They also really loved the ability to click around on the pictures to point things out, and they were able to move through the book at their own pace. My kids also tried again with GeekMom Jenny Williams’ kids, and they had a blast taking turns choosing and reading the books—it was easier to manage than their previous Skype playdates and that added bit of structure really helps.

“If you love reading books together, you no longer need to be separated by long distances—give Readeo a try!”

Featured in Wired Magazine’s Geek Dad Blog

Readeo in Design Mom's Gift GuideDesignMom: “Gift Guide”

“He travels. He works late. If he has a Readeo subscription he can still read the kids a bedtime story.”

Featured in Design Mom’s Gift Guide

Readeo in Parents MagazineParents Magazine: “Fun way to share a high-tech story!”

“Read your kid to sleep when you’re not together with Readeo’s video-chat book service.”

Featured in Parents Magazine

Readeo in Woman's DayWoman’s Day: “Bedtime stories with your grandchild even when you can’t be there to tuck her in”

“Email might be the easiest way to stay in contact these days, but it often lacks that personal touch. Showing you care—with a little flare—isn’t impossible, though. With the help of [Readeo, share]… virtual bedtime stories for the little ones when you’re away.”

Featured in Woman’s Day Magazine 3 Sites for Staying Connected

Readeo in The Chicago TribuneChicago Tribune: “Long-distance story time with Readeo”

“There may be 600 miles between grandma in Des Moines and little Ava in Dallas, but that doesn’t mean they can’t share a bedtime story.”

Featured in Chicago Tribune

Real SimpleReal Simple: “Quality Time: 41 Ways To Make It A Reality”

“Skype meets story time with this interactive site that allows, say, long-distance grandparents to read kids bedtime stories.”

Featured in the 2010 Real Simple Family Annual

Readeo on CBS 2CBS 2 Chicago: “Readeo Brings Storytime Online”

“Take my word for it, this is fantastic, and it’s going to make a big difference in my life personally.”

Watch the interview with Readeo CEO Coby Neuenschwander by CBS 2 Chicago

Readeo in Daily Candy KidsDaily Candy on Readeo: “Goodnight Story 2.0”

“Think of it as Skype meets story hour: You see and “turn” pages of the book, and hear and watch sweet Aunt Betty as she recites it. …[This] should get even your most technology-shy grandparents talking.”

Readeo featured in Daily Candy Kids

Readeo on NBC Affiliate KSL 5 TVKSL TV: “Online tool provides new way to read to children long-distance”

“It’s hard to be away from the ones we love, especially children. But Readeo has changed all that with a unique twist on traditional story time.”

Featured on KSL TV

Readeo in Publishers WeeklyPublishers Weekly Article on Readeo: “Rendezvous with Readeo”

“Everyone who was in the room either could use it themselves or knew someone who could use it,” said Paul Crichton, director of publicity for Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing

Readeo Review from Publishers Weekly

Readeo on on Readeo

“The next step in the technology of bringing people together.”

Readeo Review on

Readeo on Reviews Readeo

“I love this whole concept. For military families and in any instance where a child is separated from an adult that they love. It can be a grandparent who is five states away or simply a parent on a road trip.”

Readeo Review from Amanda Rock of

Readeo on Features Readeo: “Online Platform for Long-Distance Bedtime Stories”

“Long-distance relationships are difficult enough to maintain among adults, but when young kids are involved, the chances of achieving a meaningful conversation from afar tend to diminish. That’s where Readeo comes in, with a newly launched platform that lets families share bedtime stories through the web.”

Readeo Review from in Tech CoctailTECH Cocktail Chicago Features Readeo: Storytime Anywhere”

“Readeo is a great example of how the Internet can bring people together to share an activity that has traditionally taken place offline but has become more challenging as families are forced to be physically apart.”

Readeo Review from

Readeo on CoolMomPicksCoolMomPicks: “Video Thrilled the Readeo Star”

“I can’t stop thinking about all the applications for this wonderful site: Military parents can tuck in their kids at night, grandparents who live far away can choose a favorite bedtime story to tell, divorced parents can share bedtime duties, parents traveling on business don’t have to miss out on a quiet moment with their children. Heck, my kids even like the novelty of sitting on my lap and reading a book on the computer with me, without the webcam at all. ”

Readeo Review by Stephanie at CoolMomPicks

Fantastic Find: “Hooray for Readeo!”

“Pure happiness for many: grandparents and grandkids, a military parent and kids, and any other person who wants to read to a child but has miles in-between them. ”

Readeo Review by Chels at FantasticFind

Readeo reviewed on I Have A Coupon

“I love that [my son] can now read books with his fellow 2 year old friends! We read a couple of books with a few of his friends and he had a blast! Sometimes I think he was a bit distracted by seeing the other little boy on the screen but at the same time he still was looking at the book and telling his friend about it. It was really cute to watch them together! One of the moms we read with said, “They can’t tear or chew on them!” So very true!”

This is also a great way for kids to interact with distant grandparents. Being that my husband’s family is half way across the country, the boys don’t get to see Grandma very often. Now she can read a bedtime story with them! This would also be super awesome if a parent was deployed overseas or on business!

Readeo Review by Jaime at IHaveACoupon

Readeo on The Other Drummer: “Your Parents Will Like This”

“Readeo is a new startup which is, in it’s simplest form, something every grandparent wants – but just doesn’t know it yet.”

Readeo Review by The Other Drummer

Readeo on A Lot of Loves

“I really love the unique idea of connecting kids with loved ones while reading a virtual book. My husband travels for work a fair amount, and this service provides a great way to connect my kids with their dad while he’s away. We have tried chatting using instant messaging services (IM), but my 17-month-old daughter is too young to really participate and my 3-year-old son tends to get distracted by toys and other goings on in the house. Having a bright picture book on the screen provides something for the kids to talk about with the person on the other end of the chat.

“The video streamed seamlessly, with no glitches, and the sound was good. I liked that a single user can still access and read the books even if not involved in a BookChat.”

Readeo Review from A Lot of Loves Reviews

Accustomed Chaos review of Readeo

“I read a bunch of different books to my kids and we loved each one…The picture views of the books were perfect. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to read the print off the computer, but it was no problem at all. The video and audio worked well and it was fun for my brother to be able to read to my kids.”

Readeo Review on Accustomed Chaos

Readeo on Spoiled But Not Rotten

“As a former military spouse, I would have loved for this to be around a couple years ago when my husband was deployed overseas. It would have been great for my (then) 1 year old to be able to see and hear his Daddy during his bedtime story. I hope that you don’t have to be separated from your loved ones, but if you do, this is a great way to connect and interact while you are away.”

Readeo Review on Spoiled But Not Rotten

Dad-O-Matic: “Readeo Introduces BookChat”

“…This solution is not positioning itself as a replacement for that precious experience between parents (grandparents or whomever) and child. This is merely trying to be an alternative when being in person to read to a child is not possible for whatever reason.”

Readeo Review by Dad-O-Matic

Mummy Mug Reviews Readeo: “Sharing a Bedtime Story Across Distance”

“Another exam­ple of some­thing inven­tive, by par­ents for par­ents, solv­ing a real and hands-on chal­lenge we face in our daily lives. Way to go!”

Readeo Review by Mummy Mug

Creative Literacy Reviews Readeo

“At home, this site would be fabulous for reading in sync and online (same book) with distant family or friends. At school, it would allow classrooms to share a book with pen pals […] It would also be an option for logging in books on the nightly reading log. I personally liked being able to read through new titles by the great publishers Readeo is partnered with, and know if I would like them in my own classroom.”

Readeo Review by Creative Literacy

The Anatomy of Wow: “A smaller world, at Bedtime”

“Through his 2009 creation of Readeo BookChatter, Coby gives us a simple solution to create memorable experiences between little ones and their parents, grandparents and others who are far away. It goes beyond a simple phone conversation and allows kids and their families to bond while reading a book together—online!”

Readeo Review by The Anatomy of Wow

Smart Mom Picks: “Readeo BookChat Service”

“My parents live in Arizona. We live in Texas. Our kids, who are 5 and 7, only get to see their grandparents once a year, if they’re lucky. When we visit in person, one of the things my kids always insist on is that Grandma and Grandpa read them their bedtime stories each night.

“Readeo allows my parents to still read my kids stories, even when we’re not in the same place. Readeo combines video books with video chat so that family members can read a video book to children and see each other – all at the same time.”

Readeo Review by Smart Mom Picks


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