
How It Works

How It Works

Get Started Now!

  1. Create your Member Account
  2. Connect with friends or family (they’re free!)
  3. Read or BookChat right away!

Sign Up Now!

2 Ways to Share Story Time

Read – our “Read” feature lets you share story time when you’re together.

BookChat – our patent-pending “BookChat” feature lets you read with a child when you’re apart. To connect on Readeo and enjoy a BookChat, each party needs high speed Internet, a webcam, and a Readeo account.

Click here to see video of a BookChat.

Don't Have a Webcam? Get one here!


Account Types

Members pay a small monthly fee and have unlimited access to all of the books in the Readeo Library for reading or BookChatting with other Members or Guests. Readeo’s BookChat is best experienced when at least one party of a BookChat is a Member.

Guests are free and can connect with Members and enjoy BookChatting together. They can view the Library, preview books, and create book shelves, but unless they’re BookChatting with a Member, Guests are limited to the Book of the Month.

Our Book of the Month features one outstanding title each month that anyone on Readeo can read for free.


BookChat Example

Grandma lives in Phoenix and has three sets of grandchildren who all live in different cities. She registers a Member Account and her children set up free Guest Accounts.

Grandma can now read with any of her grandchildren through BookChat as often as she likes. She loves staying connected with her grandkids and sharing stories with them – her grandkids love spending more time with Grandma!

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